Cava, Bosco Sacro, DOC Flippers, Onyon

CAVA mögen Schaumwein, Garage und Punk. Dreckige Gitarrenriffs, viel
Feedback und melodische Vocals dürfen dabei nicht fehlen. Doch so rough
ihre Musik auch klingen mag — hinter der harten Hülle steckt ein weicher

BOSCO SACRO is an Italian quartet founded by the members of Julinko, Tristan da Cunha, The Star Pillow.
Their style features dreamy atmospheres, slowed-down rhythms and an intense sonic and spiritual depth.
The musical roots come from ambient, doom and trip-hop.'s 'Acid Country', you Hippie!
40 years and still got the fuel!
Meet the Flippers and get one acid jump experience for free!

Hailing from Leipzig Onyon’s synth-soaked racket on their debut pits synth vs. guitar as they arc & dive-bomb around the rhythm section’s stuttering pace. Some used to call that “herky-jerky”, but this isn’t that intricate or precise. Onyon’s ragged magic lies in those imprecise recorded moments caused by excitement, fervor & feeling.