TV Cult, Kalte Hand

TV Cult are an eighties inspired Post-Punk band from Cologne, Germany. With brooding and
dominant bass lines, cold and frantic guitars, powerful drums, and vocals iterating between
crooning goth and DC hardcore; TV Cult create a sound that is both reminiscent of bands like
Joy Division, Black Flag and Idles; yet is truly unique.
Recorded in the winter of 2022 at 79 Sound Studios, the four-piece released their debut LP
‘Colony’ in November 2023 via Flight 13 Records. After supporting esteemed
contemporaries in 2023, such as High Vis, Ditz, Militarie Gun and Home Front; TV Cult will be
hitting the road in 2024 for their first solo shows outside of their beloved Cologne.

Gloomy Post-D-Punk, Wohlstandswave,
Pochierpunk aus Augsburg