Ultra Silvam, Gleichmacher, Dethday

Hailing from Malmö, Sweden, Ultra Silvam has since its start in 2016 made a name for themselves
as not only one of the most promising, new names in the black metal-genre, but also as a furious
live act, notorious for their bloody and macabre antics not easily forgotten once experienced. With
their second full-length album “The Sanctity of Death” released through the legendary Shadow
Records this year, Ultra Silvam captures the essence of black metal with its intense mix of violent
deathrashing madness and heavy metal melodicism.

Formed in 2021 Gleichmacher is a Dresden based Black Metal band.
Their Style is manly a classical Black Metal with heavy influences of the Scandinavian scene mixed
with typical german peers and trades of Death Metal.
With their first record “Kränkung Fall Verderben” they left quite some impression withing the

Heavy Metal Linz