GOLD, Author & Punisher, 00y18
Di. 30.04.2019 - 21:00
Oft gesehen und immer wieder gerne zu Gast. Post-Everything in Reinform.
Their new album ‘Why Aren’t You Laughing?’ shows the post-everything outfit at their most confident and personal. Moving smoothly between dark pop, post-punk and black metal infused guitar orchestrations, this album is the vehicle that propels singer Milena Eva to new heights.
Oft gesehen und immer wieder gerne zu Gast. Post-Everything in Reinform.
Their new album ‘Why Aren’t You Laughing?’ shows the post-everything outfit at their most confident and personal. Moving smoothly between dark pop, post-punk and black metal infused guitar orchestrations, this album is the vehicle that propels singer Milena Eva to new heights.
Author & Punisher
Ein Mann IndustrialDoom Gewalt Welle. Selbstgebaute Zerstörung.
Linzer Post Metal, Sludge Gewalt in neuer Besetzung.
Former Appearances at Kapu